Sunday, October 4, 2009

Knees and Rain

Well, I suppose 50 years of playing handball and racquetball should catch up with me one of these days, but it isn't easy to recognize that it's getting to me. I've been having some pain in my left leg the past few weeks, versus none at all prior to that. I saw my doctor, who ordered X-rays and diagnosed "moderate arthritis," and referred me to an orthopedic doctor.
That's not a new diagnosis; I got that some 10 years ago. I was convinced that something else was going on. The ortho guy said it's "bone on bone and there's nothing I can do, other than give a shot of cortisone."
So, I guess dealing with pain is the only answer. I want to keep playing as long as I can. I find that acetominophen seems to moderate the pain satisfactorily for now.
As I've told many people, I've been old and I've been young, and let me tell you that young is better.
On the weather front (no pun), our monsoon season is over, officially. This year the monsoon was a bust! Instead of the 6 or so inches we usually get in the July-September period, we got 2.5 inches, a substantial shortfall. In my weatherspotter report for September, there was no rain at all during the month!
We now must wait for the winter season for more rain. This is December-February.

1 comment:

  1. i believe you about that young is better...although the knowledge is good just a new body would be better:) mary
