Saturday, November 14, 2009

What's Up?

How time flies! I see my last post was at the beginning of October, almost a month and a half ago. And not a lot has happened since then, to be honest!

One of the imponderables - my knee seems to be getting better. It's still "bone on bone," of course - that's not going to change - but I don't have the pain I had a month ago.

I had cut racquetball to two times a week, but now I'm back to three. It doesn't hurt as before. I don't know why, but it's a nice change!

Today, I got rid of a lot of paper in file cabinets. I save all those things that are sensitive, like bank statements, stock account statements and so on. As a pack rat, I also save a lot of other stuff that isn't sensitive, but which might need to be looked at later. Later never seems to come!

So when I saw a notice in the paper yesterday that a Credit Union was having a free shredding today, I gathered up all the old stuff and took it to them. It was only a shopping bag full, but it opened up enough space in the drawers that I can now save some more stuff for months!

I wish I could say that we're having a banner year for rain. 'Tain't so! We're down about two inches from last year and three or so from normal. That may not sound like much, but when normal for the year is 11 inches, the shortfall is significant. We had clouds the last three days, but no rain down here on land. Mt. Lemmon had some, though.

'S'all for now.


  1. we had a deluge on thursday after carol came to california. hadnt had it rain that hard in a year or so. it's bad for the burned areas but ok for us. we need it badly.
    glad your knee is better:) i have been taking my glucosamine religiously so it feels better too.

  2. Yea! Paper shredding is good, but scary. What if you shred it and need it next week? Glad your knee is better.
