Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day 4

Today was driving from Merced, CA to Medford, OR with a stop in Sacramento, CA.

Note that you can click on a picture to zoom in.

Sacramento is the capital of CA, as you know. We stopped at the Capitol building to see what it was like. As it happened, a tour was starting in a few minutes - excellent!

The Capitol building at Sacramento, CA. It was reconstructed in 1999 to be earthquake-proof.
The Assembly. CA has 80 Assemblymen, elected for 2 year terms. After 6 years of service, a member is "term-limited" out for life. They vote on bills electronically.
The Senate. Members are elected for a 6 year term. Votes are made by voice, not electronically.
The Rotunda, looking up. This is the inner dome. There is an outer dome, which protects the inner dome.

We didn't see Governor Schwarzenegger!

We also stopped in Sacramento at the Indian Museum at Sutter's Fort. It is kind of off the beaten path, but is really amazing. They have baskets of all types and sizes from California tribes, mostly the northern ones (Maidu, Paiute, Chumash, etc.). Some are truly amazing, but photos were not allowed, so I can't show you how great was the display.

Tomorrow on to Salem, OR.

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