Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day 7

Today was travel from Seattle in low cloud and rain to Vancouver, BC.

Note that you can click on a photo to zoom in.

I forgot to mention yesterday our visit to the Portland Art Museum It appears to be a very old museum, but with some very nice exhibits. The Native American items were most interesting. They have on exhibit many Inter-mountain west and Northern CA baskets. They had very little pottery. Photography in the museum was prohibited, so no pictures.

In contrast, the Seattle Art Museum allows photography of all items, except where noted.
This is the main entrance, with a moving figure called Iron Man.

The Native American exhibits are mostly Northwest Coast items, many very old.
This is one of the items that is not old, being the product of wonderful glass artist Preston Singletary. We saw him in back of the Blue Rain gallery in Santa Fe last year, doing his glass blowing art. Amazing work!
Here's one of the very old items, a bentwood box. The sides of the box are made from one long piece of cedar. At a corner, a bit of wood is carved out of the inside (kerfed), the wood held over steam until flexible, then folded to a right angle. The process is repeated at each corner and the final one is laced up with spruce root.
This is an eagle mask of alder wood, ermine fur, cedar bark and abalone shell.
This is a very old wolf image hat. There were many items made by Charles Edenshaw, an old-time Haida artist. Many of his argillite carvings are displayed. Another artist that we remember from the Eiteljorg's NW Coast exhibit some years ago is Evelyn Vanderhoop and one of her Chilkat blankets.
This is a platform with several masks, Raven, Huxwu'k and others. Most are cedar, cedar bark, paint and hair.The large one in the center that looks like a mouth is actually a feast bowl!
They had this great Bierstadt painting and I couldn't resist making a copy!

Tomorrow Vancouver, BC.

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